Webinar: In It Together: Improving Health Literacy for Black MSM

Issues Related to the Care of PWH, Webcast


  • Explain what health literacy means
  • Recognize indications that your clients are experiencing limited health literacy
  • Apply health literate approaches to improve communication with your clients
  • Explain the importance of organizational health literacy for Black gay, bisexual and same gender loving men
  • Describe what steps you and your organization can take to promote health literacy and delivery health literate HIV services



Facilitated by Eddie Wiley, MPH
Program Manager at the Headliners
Social Media Manager at Macerick Consulting
June 5, 2019


  • Explain what health literacy means
  • Recognize indications that your clients are experiencing limited health literacy
  • Apply health literate approaches to improve communication with your clients
  • Explain the importance of organizational health literacy for Black gay, bisexual and same gender loving men
  • Describe what steps you and your organization can take to promote health literacy and delivery health literate HIV services



Facilitated by Eddie Wiley, MPH
Program Manager at the Headliners
Social Media Manager at Macerick Consulting
June 5, 2019


  • Explain what health literacy means
  • Recognize indications that your clients are experiencing limited health literacy
  • Apply health literate approaches to improve communication with your clients
  • Explain the importance of organizational health literacy for Black gay, bisexual and same gender loving men
  • Describe what steps you and your organization can take to promote health literacy and delivery health literate HIV services

