Webinar: HIV 2023 – Oral Health and Ending the HIV Epidemic

Primary Care & Comorbidities, Webcast


  • Describe the current demographic data for patients with HIV Globally, and in the United States.
  • List three barriers to Oral Health Care for patients with HIV
  • Discuss the HIV Care Continuum and its impact on Ending the Epidemic
  • List tools that can be utilized to improve patient engagement and retention.
  • Describe strategies to integrate primary care and oral health care.




Facilitated by Mark Schweizer, DDS, MPH
Assistant Dean Community Programs and Public Health
Dental Director Southeast AETC
Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine
July 5, 2023


  • Describe the current demographic data for patients with HIV Globally, and in the United States.
  • List three barriers to Oral Health Care for patients with HIV
  • Discuss the HIV Care Continuum and its impact on Ending the Epidemic
  • List tools that can be utilized to improve patient engagement and retention.
  • Describe strategies to integrate primary care and oral health care.


