Provider Case Conference Resources

Presentation Resources

For more information and/or case presentation materials, please click on the corresponding tab below.

HIV PrEP Telehealth Initiative (SCHPTI)

The South Carolina HIV PrEP Telehealth Initiative (SCHPTI) aims to integrate into practice the current standards of care for HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and also integrate strategies to overcome barriers to prescribing PrEP. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Case Submission Form

Click on the title below to download.

Southeast Viral Hepatitis Interactive Case Conference (SVICC)

The Southeast Viral Hepatitis Interactive Case Conference (SVICC), formerly the South Carolina Hepatitis C Telehealth Initiative, provides education and training and is designed to build the capacity of providers focused on viral hepatitis, specifically Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). This program will support new and experienced providers with evidence based, real time consultations on HCV screening, staging, treatment and post sustained virologic response (SVR) management.

The initiative covers a broad spectrum of topics related to Hepatitis C, from treatment naïve to treatment experienced patients with or without decompensated cirrhosis. Other cases for discussion can include patients with Hepatitis B, HIV/HCV/HBV co-infection as well as patients with substance use disorders.

The case conference format is a short didactic presentation, followed by a discussion of the case(s) submitted by the participants. Case recommendations are provided by a panel that includes ID physicians and ID clinical pharmacists.

Physicians, PAs, NPs, pharmacists, nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals are encouraged to attend. CME, ACPE and Nursing credits are provided and there is no charge for participation.

Case Submission Form

Click on the title below to access the form submission.

Vanderbilt’s HIV Clinical Case Conference convenes each week at the VUMC Comprehensive Care Clinic and is offered virtually across the Southeast region. It utilizes an interdisciplinary team approach to choosing the best ART regimen and identifying needed wraparound services for each patient.

At each session clinicians use a standard presentation template to present and discuss every patient being considered for ART initiation or regimen change. Each year, there are over 700 case presentations. ART conferences are attended by 25 or more individuals representing a wide range of disciplines including clinical and research faculty. HIV/AIDS-focused clinical/translational research faculty members typically attend and, through discussions, generate recommendations for providers to discuss with patients.

Antiretroviral Therapy Clinical Case Conference
Every Friday at 8:00am CST/9:00am EST
Email [email protected] for information about presenting a case or listening in.


Click on a title below to download.