Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SE AETC) | 615-875-7873

Webinar: HIV and Oral Health 101

Webinar: HIV and Oral Health 101

Webinar: HIV and Oral Health 101 Facilitated by Mark Schweizer, DDS, MPH Director of Development and Special Projects Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine Dental Director, South Florida Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center January 23, 2018...
HIV and Oral Health 101: Aphthous Ulcers (Canker Sores)

Oral Health Care and HIV-101

Oral Health Care and HIV-101 By: Mark Schweizer, DDS MPH Director of Development and Special Projects Dental Director Southeastern AIDS Training and Education Center Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine [email protected] Persons living with HIV/AIDS...

Practice Transformation Spanish Curriculum (Archived Courses)

Practice Transformation Spanish Curriculum (Archived Courses) OverviewCourses El propósito de este módulo de capacitación es aumentar el tamaño y fortalecer las habilidades de la fuerza laboral clínica del VIH actual y novata para abordar mejor las necesidades de los...