Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SE AETC) | 615-875-7873

Staying PrEPared: An Update on Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

Staying PrEPared: An Update on Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

Staying PrEPared: An Update on Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Facilitated by Christopher Hurt, MDAssociate Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious DiseasesDirector, North Carolina HIV Training and Education CenterCo-Leader, UNC CFAR PrEP Scientific Working...

END HIV Academy

End HIV Academy Course 4 Objectives Discuss principles of antiretroviral selection and initiation for a person diagnosed with HIV. Recommend appropriate initial antiretroviral therapy for a person with newly diagnosed HIV. Access resources to reduce adverse effects...
Webinar: Legislation and HIV PrEP/PEP Prescribing for Pharmacists

Webinar: Legislation and HIV PrEP/PEP Prescribing for Pharmacists

Webinar: Legislation and HIV PrEP/PEP Prescribing for Pharmacists Facilitated by Kenric B. Ware, PharmD, MBA, AAHIVPAssociate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, South University of PharmacySeptember 8, 2021 Other Trainings Webinar : Update on HIV Medications, PrEP and...