Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SE AETC) | 615-875-7873


Southeast HIV Accelerated Response for Ending the Epidemic (SHARE) Ending the HIV Epidemic Through SHARE SHARE was created by the SE AETC to address the specific aims of the national EHE plan. By partnering with clinics that are doing little to no HIV testing and PrEP...


QuizTime Recent News & Updates Reengagement and Retention in HIV Care to End the HIV Epidemic in Rural and Underserved Communities: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach Enduring CourseUniversity of Kentucky HIV Fellowship Program 2023 – Applications DueTalking About...
In Case You Missed It!  Trichomoniasis Treatment Update 2021

In Case You Missed It! Trichomoniasis Treatment Update 2021

In Case You Missed It! Trichomoniasis Treatment Update 2021 By: Denise Machado, PharmD Candidate1; Lukagea Samedi, PharmD Candidate1; Elizabeth Sherman, PharmD, AAHIVP1,2,31. Nova Southeastern University, College of Pharmacy 2. Memorial Healthcare System 3. South...