HIV and Oral Health: Breaking News HPV Vaccine

By: Mark Schweizer, DDS MPH
Director of Development and Special Projects
Dental Director Southeastern AIDS Training and Education Center
Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine
[email protected]

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expanded its approval of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil 9 to include men and women between 27 and 45, an effort to protect more people from several types of cancer caused by the human papillomavirus. For those older than 26, the recommended regiment will be three doses. There is much data to support that even though it is still best to receive the vaccine before the initiation of sexual activity, the vaccine can still benefit older adults. This relates to current information that indicates the increase in HPV-related cancers, especially oral cancer are related to HPV. The human papilloma virus is the most common sexually transmitted infection. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that nearly all sexually active men and women will get a form of the virus at some point. Although, most individuals clear the infection on their own, those individuals with a compromised immune system, such as those living with HIV and AIDS have a higher incidence of HPV associated cancer. In future “Short Bites,” we will be expanded on HPV and oral cancer as well as the effects for antiretroviral therapy on HPV infections.