Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SE AETC) | 615-875-7873

End HIV Academy

END HIV Academy Banner

Course 4 Objectives

  • Discuss principles of antiretroviral selection and initiation for a person diagnosed with HIV.
  • Recommend appropriate initial antiretroviral therapy for a person with newly diagnosed HIV.
  • Access resources to reduce adverse effects and drug interactions with antiretroviral medications for a person with HIV.
  • Identify potential barriers to HIV treatment at a patient, provider, and clinic level.
  • Identify at least one strategy to improve HIV treatment and/or optimization in a participant’s practice and/or clinical setting.
  • Compare and contrast HIV treatment options to optimize HIV care.
  • Define virologic failure.
  • Recommend resistance testing for people with HIV and virologic failure
  • Access resources to guide resistance testing, interpretation, and salve antiretroviral regimen selection for a person with HIV and virologic failure.

Additional Information

Goals of END HIV Academy
  • Enhance participating healthcare professionals’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes to promote independent and skilled care delivery to people with HIV.
  • Facilitate behavioral and practice change to increase and improve HIV prevention, diagnosis, linkage to care, and effective treatment in non-specialty care settings.
  • Increase the US healthcare workforce capable of providing effective, accessible, and culturally competent care to people with HIV.
Account Creation: National HIV Curriculum

Self-paced learning will be a major component of the END HIV Academy, and we will pull heavily from the National HIV Curriculum (NHC) for this aspect of the program. To allow us to track participant completion of the assigned modules in the NHC group, please take a few moments to join our NHC Group using the instructions below.

  • Go to and sign up for a free account
  • After setting up your profile, click your name in the upper right-hand corner to access a dropdown menu
  • Select “Join or create a group”
  • Under “Join a Group” you will see “Do you have a group add code?”
  • Copy and paste the following code to join our group: 8w7g69kt5a
Account Creation: Southeast AETC External Online Self-Paced Learning Management System

On the courses that are located on the Southeast AETC self-paced online learning management platform, you will need to fill out the brief form to create an account within our Learning Management System to access the courses. Click on the link included with the course module, and from there, there will be a signup form to create an account. Once that’s completed, you will be taken to your account dashboard within the platform, and you will be able to find the course there. Moving forward, you’ll be able to login to your account on the online learning platform here:

Account Creation: Southeast AETC Participant Management System

On the courses that are within the Southeast AETC participant management platform, you will need to fill out the two-page form to create an account. From the event registration page, click “Register” then “Create Account.” Follow the two-step process to create your account, then login with your e-mail and password and confirm your registration.

Continuing Education Credit

Continuing education credit for END HIV Academy will be available for individual sessions through one of two sources:

  • National HIV Curriculum – CME/CNE is available through the NHC for any modules completed as part of the END HIV Academy.
  • Southeast AETC – All other portions of the END HIV Academy will be accredited through the Southeast AETC.

If you have any issues getting your CE, please email [email protected].


To help us assess how effective this program is and make improvements for the future, we will ask you to complete several surveys throughout the process. These surveys are distinct from the individual evaluations you will complete in order to receive CE for specific sessions in END HIV Academy.

  • Baseline survey (complete before Feb. 14th)
  • Final Program Evaluation: Includes two parts, one anonymous and one identified. This will be sent out at the end of the program.
  • Availability Survey (complete before Feb 14th)

These surveys are immensely helpful in allowing us to observe the impact of the program, which helps us make the case to our funders that they should continue to fund programs like this in the future. We greatly appreciate the time you spend completing surveys.

Week 1 (May 13-17)

National HIV Curriculum Antiretroviral Therapy Course Modules

Week 2 (May 20-24)

National HIV Curriculum Antiretroviral Therapy Course Modules

Week 3 (May 27-31)

  • Small Group Discussion

Week 4 (June 3-7)

National HIV Curriculum Antiretroviral Therapy Course Modules

Week 5 (June 10-14)

National HIV Curriculum Antiretroviral Therapy Course Modules

Week 6 (June 17-21)

  • Small Group Discussion

Week 7 (June 24-28)

  • Capstone Final Project
  • Week 1 | May 13-17
  • Week 2 | May 20-24
  • Week 3 | May 27-31
  • Week 4 | June 3-7
  • Week 5 | June 10-14
  • Week 6 | June 17-21
  • Week 7 | June 24-28