Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SE AETC) | 615-875-7873

Recorded Webinars Database

Webinar: HIV and Diabetes Presented in Haitian Creole

Webinar: HIV and Diabetes Presented in Haitian Creole

Facilitated by Suzie Richardson-Amas, FMG, MPH, PA-C, AAHIVS New Health Community Centers & New World Health Foundations April 19, 2017 [related_posts_by_tax include_terms="" related="true" "taxonomies= Webcast, Featured_Webinar" posts_per_page="5" title="Other...

Webinar: Transgender Equality

Webinar: Transgender Equality

Facilitated by Chanel Haley Transgender Inclusion Organizer Georgia Equality / Equality Foundation of Georgia Georgia AETC March 29, 2017 [related_posts_by_tax include_terms="" related="true" "taxonomies= Webcast, Featured_Webinar" posts_per_page="5" title="Other...