Recorded Webinars Database
Webinar: PrEP Deployment Using a Cloud-Based Model
Facilitated by Meredith Lora, MDAssistant ProfessorEmory University May 20, 2020 Objectives Review barriers to PrEP uptake and...
Webinar: Immune Responses to Viruses and Upcoming HIV (and SARS CoV-2) Vaccine Trials
Facilitated by Spyros Kalams, MDInfectious Diseases UnitVanderbilt University Medical CenterPrincipal InvestigatorHIV Vaccine Clinical Research Site May 13, 2020 [related_posts_by_tax include_terms="" related="true" "taxonomies= Webcast, Featured_Webinar"...
Webinar: Ending the HIV Epidemic: Prevention Through Active Community Engagement (PACE) and the Ready, Set, PrEP Program
Facilitated by Harold Phillips, MRP Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy CDR John Oguntomilade, PhDPACE Program May 6, 2020 [related_posts_by_tax include_terms="" related="true" "taxonomies= Webcast, Featured_Webinar" posts_per_page="5" title="Other...
Webinar: COVID-19 and Medical Mistrust in the Black Community
Facilitated by Leisha McKinley-Beach National Public Health Consultant Keith Gambrell May 1, 2020 Objectives Outline the history...
Webinar: Providing Gender Affirming Care and PrEP in a Student-run Free Clinic
Facilitated by: Cody DaltonStudent, University of Florida Vincent RothStudent, University of Florida Kelsey WilliamsonStudent, University of Florida Cabbar DundarStudent, University of Florida April 28, 2020 [related_posts_by_tax include_terms="" related="true"...
Webinar: Enhancing Care Through a Statewide CQI Collaborative: Lessons Learned from Alabama
Facilitated by Ashley Tarrant, MPHCo-Chair, Alabama Management GroupChief Operations Officer, Medical Advocacy and OutreachApril 22, 2020 [related_posts_by_tax include_terms="" related="true" "taxonomies= Webcast, Featured_Webinar" posts_per_page="5" title="Other...
Webinar: Transitioning to Telehealth – Simple Tips For a Successful Transition From In-Person Based Care to Telehealth Care
Facilitated by Billy SampleProgram ManagerTelehealth Resource Center April 20, 2020 Objectives Discuss strategies for ensuring...