Online Learning Curriculum: Getting Started

Step 1:

To get started with the online learning curriculum, an account must first be created on the Learning Management System platform. Click on the Learn More/Enroll in Curriculum button on the desired course you want to get started in. On the Learn More page, click on the Enroll in Curriculum button to proceed to registration.

Step 2:

After clicking on the Enrollment button, a page will appear with a Sign Up form. If you already have an account on the Learning Management platform, you can click the Login button (green arrow). Otherwise, fill out the form to sign up and create an account. Please note: this account is separate from your Southeast AETC participant account that is used to register for live trainings and webinars.


Step 3:

After you have created an account or have logged in, you will be brought to your User Dashboard. Click on the My Courses section to find your enrolled curriculum.

Step 4:

From here, click on your course to get started.

Claiming Credit:

The Learning Management platform that the Southeast AETC uses is different from your account. To claim any CEU (if available for a particular curriculum), you will need to create an account on the SE AETC website. Follow the steps on the Create New Account button (or login if an account is already active). Click on the Archived/Curriculum tab to find the curriculum, and after completion of the evaluation, there will be instructions on claiming your requested Continuing Education credit.

Need Further Assistance?

Please reach out to us by clicking the button below.