Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SE AETC) | 615-875-7873

Online Learning Curriculum: Linkage to Care, Engagement and Resources

This module offers an overview of the linkage to care, engagement, and resources, focusing on the HRSA Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. This includes a brief program history, federal funding to provide HIV/AIDS treatment and related services to people living with HIV, and our national strategies and plans to end the epidemic in the U.S. This introduction course is intended for anyone with a desire to understand federal, state and local Ryan White HIV/AIDS programs and funding. 

  • Who was Ryan White?
  • The Ryan White CARE Act
  • Payer of Last Resort
  • Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
  • Core Medical and Support Service Categories
  • The HIV Care Continuum
  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau Performance Measures
  • The National HIV/AIDS Strategy (2022-2025)
  • Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE)

Krystn Wagner, MD, PhD
Medical Director, Ryan White HIV Program, Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease, Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

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